
SAP Crystal Reports API


About the fact that many companies are still using the aged software we wrote in this article. We mentioned also that our solutions of combining the “new” software with the “old” are used by several companies and we have a lot of experience in this area. We’ve built the interoperability layer and we are using it successfully in many of our ongoing projects. Using the .NET technology we expand the possibilities of software that was written in languages such as Clarion or C++.

We’ve recently released our application that allows the old infrastructures to communicate with the newest version of SAP Crystal Reports app. After moving into .NET platform, the producer of the application didn’t provide the API for clients that own older systems. We had to take up this challenge. And now our clients that have the applications unsupported already by SAP, still can use the Crystal Reports app.

Library made by our developers allows viewing, printing and saving reports to PDF file. By providing the relevant parameters one can control the print settings or supported data types. It is also possible to configure database connection parameters, where the reports will be stored.

We strongly encourage you to acquire the software here.

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