

Last month we met with you for the seventh time during This is a meeting of the Opole IT industry with a particular focus on software development we co-organized. For the first time we met at the headquarters of the second co-organizer of the event, the Science and Technology Park in Opole. For the second time, our was a companion event to the Opole University Applied Cyber Security Conference. The nail on the head of the program was a bravura speech by Tomek Turba of Sekurak, who talked about OSINT. Attendance was good! The end of the year is always an intensive time of meetings for us, because already on December 10 we see each other at the next #8. Again at PNT in Opole. Topics will be very different. Very soft ones, like programmer well-being (job burnout), and hard ones like server clusters. You are cordially invited!

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