CODEFUSION is still a young company. We are on the market since 6 years. From the very beginning we are very tight with the web. We are constantly fascinated with the direction and speed in witch the technologies around internet are evolving and we evolve together with them. Our first projects were created in Microsoft ASP.NET MVC. The life cycle of ASP.NET MVC application is very traditional. User works in the browser and sends the request to the server. On the server side the HTML, CSS and possibly JavaScript is prepared. On the server .NET and C# are used to generate the data that is send back to the browser. The documents are the rendered and showed to the user. The only extravagance back then was an Ajax call (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML).
Then we created ExCalc – Leasing Calculator. It is a mobile app that is created in web technologies (KnockoutJS i JQuery UI). The server side API (written again in C#) serves the data to the application that uses HTML 5 and CSS for the UI and JavaScript to manage the data. Everything is wrapped in the Cordova framework to ship it to the Android and iPhone stores.
Now we are preparing another web project. We wil be using one of the JavaScript framework as a base for that application. It will be something like AngularJS, Knockout, React or Blaze. So virtually no page callbacks and 100% of the data management done using Javascript (or TypeScript or CofeeScript for that matter). CSS will be done using Less or SASS. User interface will be done usingjQueyUI, KednoUI, IgniteUI or AngularUI. The life cycle of such application is very different from the traditional approach. After initial delivery of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, all the communication with the server is done using a lightweight API and communication limited to the data (usually formatted using JSON). The management of the data is done solely in JavaScript and DOM (Document Object Model). Using this technology, we nearly eliminate the load latency, we limit the server load and time needed to render the web application. JavaScript here we come again. JavaScript here we come!