To date, we hired mainly programmers and testers. We have a few UI/UX specialists and project managers. More recently, we have had our first IT consultants working for us. This is a specific type of IT specialist who deals with the customising of the software we write. It just so happens that for one of our clients we are writing very flexible banking software that can be customised using a highly specialised scripting language with DMN (Decision Model and Notation) or BPMN (Business Process Model Notation) engine tooling. Our IT consultants work for the end users of the software in the German-speaking markets (the so-called DACH – Germany, Austria, Switzerland) so that it is fully customised. Thanks to the involvement of the consultants, the software we develop can be used in a variety of business scenarios that were not even thought of when we created it. IT consultancy activities are new to us. We are happy to be able to support the end users of the software we develop so completely and comprehensively.