
Bit and atoms

Most of the projects we are involved in are strict software projects. We had a history of playing with hardware like in RoboTouch but it is, well, history. Nevertheless, we were always fascinated by atoms. We are good in translation that what’s physical into that what’s software. In our fusion reactor we...

IT in banking

We will take part in the conference „IT in banking“. It is a part of one of the biggest polish conference series GigaCon. It is a meeting point for several professional interested in all things IT in banks and financial institutions. We will present our ExCalc – Leasing Calculator during...

CF Insights part 4 – project management software

The core of the CODEFUSION team made up his mind about the project management software way back when. The founders and current managers were using one to manage their engineering work at the University. As a side drop from that activity there was an article in issue 5 from 2004...

It is the time, once again

It is the time again to put the fruits of our work into the customer hands. It happens regularly, but the way it happens differs. It depends from the software are and customer. It is different when we are releasing another version of “of the shelf” software (for individual sell)...

CF Insights part 4 – Command line

Console user interface, character user interface, command-line interface, CLI, shell or simply command-line. In Windows simply press WinKey, type cmd and press Enter. That black box is comman-line. Up until now you can communicate with the computer using text commands. At CODEFUSION we love command-line. It is the most basic...

Scaling the office

We are very happy to be able to grow CODEFUSION organically. The best graduates of our two Universities are joining us every year, because we do not have any competition in the Opole job marketplace. We are the company to choose if you are gifted and ambitious software developer. We...

Silverlight – R.I.P.

October 2021 is the end of support for Microsoft Silverlight. IT is a pity because it was a good technology. We build KEWO, our waste management software for companies, in it. Now we are rewriting it in HTML5. One of our customers reminded us this month about this sad date...
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