
GitOps – coming out

Today we are making a big coming out. We will tell you a slightly embarrassing secret. As you probably suspected we are source code fetishists. We love text. In every form. Algorithm, class, script, document, command. Code is not only our work material but we have almost religious approach to...

C4 – architecture diagrams

We know and like UML, but we use it pragmatically. UML sequence diagrams work great in their field (for visualizing flows over time). We also often use activity diagrams. Simple use case diagrams are useful at the initial stage of requirements engineering. We practically do not use class diagrams. We...

Home Office

Almost all CODEFUSION crew is still working remotely. We miss personal contacts, exchanging comments at the coffee machine or joint lunch breaks or going to the store. However, we are lucky that technically our work can be done remotely without much problem. A necessary condition is, as the name implies,...

Hard times / We help

Coronovirus has affected how we work at CODEFUSION. Most of the team members works in the home-office. Nevertheless, our office is functioning, but only a few people work there (room / person ratio is definitely greater than 1). Protective measures (with minor supply difficulties) are provided. We're learning remote work...

Summer Practice Program

Despite not certain future we are working hard. As usual in this time of year we are starting the recruitment for our Summer Practice Program 2020. WE know that we are a “go to” company for practice in Opole but we are happy that we manage to attract students from...

CODEFUSION is now 10 years old!

In February 2020 CODEFUSION turned 10! This anniversary is not as important to us as those resulting from the power of two: second (2^1), fourth (2^2) and eighth (2^3). But we are aware that for ordinary non-computer person ten to the first power (10^1) has a magical meaning, so we...

Event sourcing and CQRS

In our recent research and development (R&D) project we dive deep into event sourcing. We are building a set of independent applications that produces a stream of events that are stored in a specialized stream database (we are evaluating Event Store). The events will form a kind of a log...

Static website generator

From the beginning of CODEFUSION, we are active in a broadly understood programming. In the early ears we hide behind this concept also creating of websites. Some time has passed since we’ve created our last simple website. Even the creation of our new company website we’ve put in the...
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