
InGame HR

No more boring online job advertisements or fairs, it’s time for gamified job recruitment experience! InGame HR makes it easier to get in touch with valuable job candidates in the internet. By using a fun and entertaining computer games an employer can obtain more contacts to potential employees. An in-game...

Summer Internship Program 2021

As every year, we invite students to join our Summer Internship Program. Despite the fact that last year the internships were held mostly remotely, they turned out to be a great success. Again, we had more applicants than places, and the first interns are already starting to work with us....

Public speaking during pandemics

We were a frequent guest on various events around software engineering. We’ve spoken about the things we are experts in. Local and abroad conferences. University fairs and events. Be it CI/CD, BPMN, testing, version control, interoperability, WPF, CIL or even .NET and hardware. It was always fun! And now it...

Angular vs React vs Vue

Over the years we’ve implemented a view large projects using Angular. Those projects are alive and in production and nothing seems to be changing in that regards. Angular is a great framework to work with. It has a steep learning curve but once mastered it’s uses are limitless. React was...

InGame HR

We are on the home straight to the first MVP of our new product InGame HR ( PoC was very promising and we decided to go full speed ahead. No more boring online job fair or conference appearances, it’s time for gamified job recruitment experience! InGame HR makes it easier...

Online job fair high season

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year's spring Job Fair at the Opole University of Technology was canceled. The event took place this month, but it was quite different from all the editions we have attended (since 2011). This time, the entirety of the 12th Academic Job Fair of the...

Game Recruiter

Next month we will put our newest idea to the test. We will roll out a PoC (Proof of Concept) of Game Recruiter. It is a game that will help during online recruitment. PoC is something we often do in order to teats an idea before we get to proper...

IT specialist, is just the beginning

We took part in a conference “Professions and industries in the Opole labor market” at the Opole University of Technology. It was an event directed to of school career advisers. We’ve spoken about "Profession in a software company, i.e. an IT specialist, is just the beginning". We’ve described the profession...

Farewell to KEWO and ExCalc

Since the beginning of CODEFUSION we devoted a small portion of our time to develop our own software products. We used these endeavors as a perfect opportunity to discover new technologies and to build up a second leg for our company that is focusing in agency type software development. Our...
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