
A commercial

We shot a commercial for the Job Fair. Primarily for students - participants of the fair - but also with a view to future applications. The idea was simple: following the best in the industry (CodeTwo) we wanted to encourage to work in CODEFUSION in a humorous and light way....
Klip reklamowy

Academic Job Fair

This year on 23rd and 24th March Academic Job Fair will be held again at Opole University of Technology. We became an honorary partner of this event. Fair will be held again only (unfortunately) online. However the organizer took care for many opportunities for virtual meetings. You will see us...

Teaching Council of the Faculty of Computer Science

We are very pleased to announce that we have received an invitation to participate in the Teaching Council of the Faculty of Computer Science operating at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Control and Computer Science of Opole University of Technology. As an external stakeholder we will represent Opole business environment....


We have already reported that we are growing despite the pandemic. Now there is one more important piece of information which we missed to distribute in the heat of everyday struggle. Recently we have officially extended our office. We remain at our old address. The entrance is unchanged from Armii...

I will be a master in my profession

On 20-21 October 2021, a conference was held in hybrid form under the title "I will be a master in my profession". The conference was organised by the Municipal Centre for Education Support in Opole. We had the opportunity to appear at the conference and speak about "Expectations of employers...

Marketing Biznes MeetUp – Wrocław #1

Together with the Analytical Foundation we would like to invite you on 25.11.2021 to the Stadium in Wrocław for the first Marketing Business Meetup Wrocław. Our CEO Marcin Kawalerowicz will talk about our product InGame HR with a special focus on our adventures with marketing. We will take a look...

NFT – Non-Fungible Token

We present our first official NFT: NFT or Non-Fungible Token is a piece of data living on the blockchain that certifies the uniqueness of a digital asset. Sounds complicated? In many ways it is. The IT part is the simplest here. NFT is similar to cryptocurrency tokens existing in...

We have hit 20 at daily Scrum

CODEFUSION is growing constantly. Despite pandemics we’ve kept the steady growth pace of 1 or 2 new people a year. Recently we’ve recorded 20 people for the first time at our (still online) companywide daily scrum. And that’s all our software developers, testers and designers only! Despite current trends in...


At CODEFUSION we understand that one of the ways to succeed in our highly competitive industry is innovation. This is one of the reasons why we have always been at the cutting edge of technology and why we have always tried to contribute to change for the better in software...
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