From time to time in every company there is a need for something really new. In our craft those ideas grow around software: tools that help developers work smarter, ways to optimize the software development process. Those ideas – true innovations – needs to be verified. Our CEO Marcin Kawalerowicz...
We are active in a market where a good employee is worth a million. We are quite lucky in that regard to be in a city where two higher education institutions (Opole University and Opole University of Technology) are “producing” our future brilliant employees. We are a small but global...
CODEFUSION is an active company since more than 5 years (next year February we will be six). During this time, we constantly grew. From only two to more than 10 right now. What’s interesting only this month we hired our first female software developer. Why that late? The answer is...
We are very proud to inform about a new application we release last month. It is a mobile application for the company Leasing-Experts. It is a Wrocław, Poland based leasing company that needed a strictly informational mobile application. To build this application we used the last version of Cordova framework. It...
With a little delay because our participation in the Clarion International Developers Conference we rush to inform about our new product that was released on that event. It is a tool that converts the Clarion database structure description – data dictionary to format understandable on the .NET side in the...
Through a software project, that we are carrying out with our partner form Germany, we gained expert knowledge in Clarion and Microsoft .NET interoperability. We have a production ready solution to integrate those seemingly completely different worlds. We are able to call .NET C# code from Clarion and vice versa....
Infragistics is one of the biggest components vendors for .NET programmers. We were very pleased to be invited to create the content for their community blog. We’ve published our first text this month. It is about OWIN and ASP.NET. More are to come. The next one will threat about AppDomains in Microsoft .NET...
Our BPMN Engine ready for the first release at one of the Swiss banks! We’ve written about Bussines Proces Model and Notation in one of our recent posts. Now we have something to share: an introduction to BPMN as a Prezi presentation Enjoy!
We are the gold sponsor of the second Opole Festival of Robots. It is starting tomorrow at the Opole University of Technology. It is an international fair of robots enthusiasts. They are coming to Opole with their robots that compete in various disciplines like sumo or line follower. Our sponsoring in... << Newer entriesOlder entries >>
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