
Continuous Defect Prediction


Cheaper work force is not the way we are winning our international customers. It never was. From the beginning, we put on the highest quality and newest technologies. We are also working on our procedures and software engineering techniques. One of them is a method to predict the errors on the continuous integration (CI) server. We called it Continuous Defect Prediction. It uses machine Learning (ML) to create prediction models using historical continuous integration data. The models are then used on the developer machine to warn the developer if the changes he is making to the project, are likely to introduce a problem on the build server. This novel technique together with an accompanying dataset will be presented at the 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories that will take place on 21 and 21 of May in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This conference is collocated with the largest scientific software engineering conference the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) and we will take part in this conference also. Meet us in Buenos!

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